Have you detected a bug on our website? Is there any action that you cannot perform on your Parclick APP?
In order to report any bug in our platform, please send us an email toinfo@parclick.com so that our IT team can start to solve it as soon as possible. In your message, you should include the following essential information so that we can locate the incident more efficiently:
- For incidents on our website:
- Browser (Chrome, Explorer, Firefox, etc.)
- Operating (MAC, Windows, Linux)
- Screenshot of the incident
- For incidents in our APP:
- Operating system (iOS, Android)
- Phone make and model
- APP version of the application (you can check this information at the bottom of the main menu)
- APP Language
- Parclick account
- Screenshot of the incident
As soon as we collect everything we need, our technical team will get to work on solving the issue. We will let you know when everything is fixed, so you can continue to enjoy our platform and its advantages as usual.
Remember that our Customer Service team is available from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on working days. During these hours, your incident will be notified.